This would also make a great addition to your dollie's dollhouse or miniature food collection!
Banana Cream Pie Out of Clay
By Mo
You will need:
*Polymer or air-dry clay in light yellow, tan, and white
*A metal bottle cap (Make sure it's metal, if not, it will melt in the oven!)
*A knife or razor blade to cut the clay (BE CAREFUL! Cuts aren't fun. You might want to get an older monkey or adult to help you with the cutting)
*Any round object to roll the clay
*And any other tools you want to use to work with the clay. (Using kitchen tools isn't reccommended, you don't want to be eating off your art supplies)
Take your tan clay and roll it into a nice round ball
Then roll it out into a circle
Lay the circle of clay into the metal bottle cap and flatten it.
Next, roll your light yellow clay into a ball.
Lay the yellow clay into the tan "pie crust" you just made and flatten it.
Now you are ready for the yummy whipped cream on top! Take your white clay and roll it into a rope.
Almost done! Now place the topping on the filled pie!
If you are using Baking Clay, now is the time to bake your pie! Follow the directions on the clay package. If you are using air-dry clay, leave your pie in a safe place for as long as the package suggests.
And.... (drumroll please!)
What do you think? I love bananas, so this is perfect! :)
Yours not-so-truly,
ur blog rocks!!!! :) I live yuki. im her biggest fan!
ReplyDeleteI believe you should show how to make more things. Like eggs and toast. Like veggetables, like a cake. I think you did a good job and should do more.