Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2009, everyone! I am excited for the new year.

You might be thinking: "Why doesn't this weird monkey have any photos on her blog?" And my answer to you is this: In a short time, I will post a few pictures of my adventures. But be patient!
Okey dokey, for todays Daily Dooky, I thought I would share my New Year's Resolution!
Most people resolve to eat healthier, lose weight, things like that. But MY resolution is to eat as much mint ice cream as I can, wear my blue hair in pigtails, make good pancakes, ride a llama, and make a prom dress out of a pair of curtains! What?!?! You're telling me that's not a resolution?
Oh well.
Yours not-so-truly,


  1. Hello again Yuki!I love how you write your words!Its so creative such as "Happy New Year!"
    Why,I used to be a writer myself.I wrote the story "Monkey Duck",no not the other one Mobey whatever.I also mad the cartoon on nickaqaulabear,"Gizbob Exppants",yep,well,good luck with the blog.And thank you for writing me back,usually nobody does.I wonder why...?Oh well,bye! -Gizmo Expo *

  2. Hi there! I love your blog, Yuki! Especially love the Dooky part!
    Sincerely, Mango

  3. Thank ya Mango and Gizmo!

    Hey Gizmo! I once read Monkey Duck, but I never really got it. "Lampshade monkey squeaking with doorknob diapers" was one of the chapters I never did get.


What Would Yuki Look Like With A Moustache?

What Would Yuki Look Like With A Moustache?
Comment and tell me what you think! C: