Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Go Green Recycled Paper Beads

With all this talk about going green, I decided to post this simple tutorial for making recycled paper beads. It's super-easy, and a lot of fun! (And a good way to reuse old comics and newspaper ads!)

You will need:
*Old comics, newspapers, magazines, pretty much any old colorful paper!

*A skewer or toothpick. Use whatever you can find.



First, start cutting long strips of your paper. Don't make them too long!

Place the paper facing down on the side you want to show. Place your skewer or toothpick at the top of the paper and drizzle a bit of glue down the paper.

Start rolling the paper up. Roll slowly and smooth it out as you go along.

When you reach the end, smooth the edge. A bit of glue might squeeze out. Just secure the end and wipe it away.

Now slide the rolled paper off the skewer or toothpick.

Make a bunch of these!

Now let the beads dry for a couple of minutes. Maybe make yourself a sandwich. :)

Now string these beads onto cord or hemp.

String as many as you want and then tie a knot!

This particular one was for stanley!

Tada! You now have a fancy new bracelet to wear around, and I guarantee people will stop you to ask about your cute little recycled bracelet! :)

Yours who is making bracelets,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Monkeys Feel Fall In the Air

Hello readers! Go outside and breathe in. Can you feel it? Yes, it's fall! Monkeys everywhere are preparing for the chilly months of red and orange leaves!

To celebrate the returning of autumn, The Daily Dooky will be posting more craft tutorials! But we need YOUR help! Leave us a nice comment about what types of crafts you are interested in! Knitting scarves for your monkeys? Miniature food? Sewing monkey clothes? Making greeting cards? You name it! Just click the Comments button down below.

Yours not-so-truly,

P.S. More fun stuff coming your way, including videos, adventures, crafts, recipes and MORE on Yuki's Daily Dooky! This fall is going to be a good one! :)

What Would Yuki Look Like With A Moustache?

What Would Yuki Look Like With A Moustache?
Comment and tell me what you think! C: